Description of the Company

Jobchain® GmbH is a company founded in 2019 as a result of the urgency of a new technology to facilitate all kinds of asset management and finance, as well as daily interactions between employers and employees. Jobchain's headquarters are located in Austria, 1220 Vienna in Donau-City-Strasse 7, DC Tower 1.

Jobchain's businesses are currently focused on the development of the platform that allows anyone to hire, be hired anytime, anywhere and instantly receive payment in cryptocurrencies within a protected and verified environment. This platform can facilitate the accessibility and usability of blockchain technology by integrating financial, hiring and asset management services into a single platform where customers will be able to pay for goods and services with various cryptocurrencies in the Wallet App, including Jobchain's own cryptocurrency JOB. Although complementary, the company is also related to other areas such as engineering and cybersecurity. Jobchain® operates essentially in Austria and Spain.